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Dining Room Dreaming

Today is starting slow ... but that is perfectly ok.  We had a long emotional weekend and I am perfectly fine starting today a little slower than most and soaking up all the pretty sun shining in my windows with an extra cup or two of coffee.  I spent a little time this morning tidying the house and purging a cabinet or two which is always something I really feel good about.  We are trying to adjust to a house with one pet again, and it is strange.  I miss Murphy's little feet right on my heels no matter where I went.  He lived a great and long life and I am thankful we had him as long as we did. 🐶

I am currently working on a huge list of little projects.  The kind that seem to never end, but need to.  I have a variety of things on the list from little changes to a room that has needed to be done forever to complete start over on one room.  No better time than spring, right?

One space I am working on is the dining room.  For a while I needed to change just two things and I am almost done and then I can share the pretty, which is always my favorite.  Yesterday the room got a deep clean and today I am hunting for two chairs to complete the room.   To inspire myself I was perusing Pinterest this morning and realized I have a ton of beautiful dining rooms saved that I should share with you.  It is one room after another with pure goodness.

So enjoy ...

And Happy Monday!

Images from Pinterest Board linked above

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