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Frontgate Sale

Happy Friday ... home from Amelia and so relaxed!  Five days at the beach did my head and heart such good. I have unpacked, well mostly, have the diffuser on with some good oils, have the beach playlist on and I am just taking it easy.  I do not want to lose that good head space into the reality of home and the news that public schools are 100% virtual.  Nope ... thinking all sorts of good thoughts and dreaming up the yummy frozen cocktail I will be enjoying later today.  😎

Mark your calendar friends ... I have such great news for you!  This weekend marks the LTK sale and Frontgate is having an amazing promotion to participate.  I love Frontgate.  Let me say that again ... I love Frontgate.  Not only do I love their products, but I love the people I work with ... they are truly amazing.  (Kate, you are 1000% my fave, like ever).   I have so many products that outfit so much of our home, so I will include all my pieces and then link them all for you so you can go ahead and check out what you want. 

You do not want to miss out!   

This sale is good.  Like SOOOO good, and you will want to make plans to purchase anything on your list when it goes live on Sunday. The LTK sale is Sunday and Monday, but the promotion from Frontgate is already live and ends Monday at midnight.  You can already get your shopping on before the LTK days begin.  This sale is good, have I mentioned that fact?

So ... what does the sale provide you?  Basically ... a lot! You get 25% off + Free Shipping – including furniture! The free shipping on furniture is HUGE (saves customers $100 - $500!).  According to my people they have stopped giving free shipping on furniture during regular promotions, so this is a big deal to be included here in this promotion.  You need to use code LTKFG at checkout.  Do not pass go, do not collect $200 (well maybe), do not miss out on this sale.

So, what would I recommend ... well every single thing linked below.  If I linked it I own it and it gets my 1000% stamp of approval. 

Here you go, my items

1 comment:

  1. Love, love, love it all. Thanks so much for sharing. I always love seeing your beautiful home. So glad you had a great vacation.



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