As you can tell I took off yesterday to kind of soak up every single minute of the day. We were celebrating our 25th anniversary and since the last one was spent in the ICU I wanted to treat this year as if it was two years in one, and give it all the attention. The day started off completely normal, the best plan EVER, and then we both worked all day, also the best way to spend it, and then the evening we hunkered in for take out Chinese and our favorite TV show. After all the chaos from last year it was exactly how I would have spent it ... doing life things and starting and ending the day with big hugs and lots of love. I am thrilled to be healthy, happy, and feeling all the blessings that have been poured on us.
Today I have six fun things to share with you ... all of which I bought and love and know you will as well. Nothing earth shattering, but all just great things!
So here we go ...
First of all is a chair I bought from Facebook Marketplace. So obviously I can't share a link and the same chair shows up at your door but I can share my FB marketplace experiences. I snagged a great chintz Chinoiserie chair from a local woman at a fabulous price. It is truly sooo pretty, and even prettier than it appears in photos. This is my fourth purchase from marketplace and definitely will not be my last. I also bought 2 Queen Anne chairs + 8 Chippendale chairs + a pair of antique brass sconces, all of which were equally amazing experiences and left me with ridiculous scores for our home. I know there are complicated people on marketplace, I had one of those experiences as well 😱, but for the other four it was not only seamless but I feel like I was introduced to four precious women who have shared their homes and treasures with me. If you have never bought or sold on marketplace I would encourage you to give it a try. When I picked up the most recent purchase I was chatting with the women who taught me how to prune and care for my fig trees when I commented on how plentiful hers were. I also got a back yard tour + tips on how to garden. I told you ... magical experiences! I highly suggest you give it a try.
Next, I am in love with these leggings. So leisure wear is something I would never have been comfortable in a few years ago and now I feel like it is something I have to talk myself out of every single morning. I snagged two pairs of these leggings this week and am currently wearing one pair with another set aside for tomorrow. They are so comfortable, include a side pocket for your phone, and won't break your wallet. Actually for the price you can share 4 pairs for the price of a high end brand. For me that is a major win, win. I love this color and this was my other choice. I have the mauve pink and smoky green on my wish list. Get yourself a pair or two, you will love them!
I shared these earrings when I posted my last round up of six and I know a number of you ordered them. When mine arrived they came with extras which I adore as well. I think you will love all of her earrings, I have linked them below.
Love them all, but especially the chair. Do you know where the chair will go? Have a happy weekend, and Happy Belated Anniversary!