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Gift Guide No. 2 - Decorating

Happy Wednesday ... I am back with another gift guide.  I expected this week to have finished my small business guide, but I support and adore so many that I am still compiling.  I will have it ready for you next week. It will be sooo good. 

I so did not expect to go an entire week between posts, but I am thankful I have given myself some time to grieve and process.  Losing anyone you love is so hard, and shocking, and painful.  This loss for me has stirred up so much and was so out of the blue and I am truly taking it one single day at a time.  As much as I love to write it has been harder than normal to do so, but I will be pushing through it to bring you the best of the best this time of the year.  Thank you for your love, support, and grace!  💗

I have compiled all of the best to decorate your home this season.  So many of the people I know are already tackling their holiday decor and I am not far behind.  I will have mine up and ready to turn on the day after Thanksgiving, and I can not wait.  I am fully leaning into traditional this year ... all the pink, red, green, and gold and all the plaid.  It will be huge and I can't wait.  I am even hanging plaid curtains and I am here for it.  I use Frontgate trees, wreaths, and outdoor decor exclusively and there are two reasons for that.  One, we work together, and two it is the best of the best in my opinion.  It holds up, looks amazing, and just presents so well every single year.  I am on year three I think ... and I won't be quitting any time soon.  Their decor is all 40% off right now and I have included a lot of it below for you, it is really just so very good. 

So here you go ... all the goods to decorate your home with the prettiest items.  I even included some plaid and needlepoint ... no thank you required!  😉

1 comment:

  1. I am sorry for your loss. I didn't know you had lost a loved one.



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