Oh hey friends ... its one of my favorite days of the year, the Lilly Pulitzer After Party Sale. I have loved Lilly way longer than I have owned it and every single piece I purchase brings me joy. There is something about the patterns and the colors that just make me feel like a newlywed wearing Lilly on her honeymoon. I have so many pieces that will instantly date me and I could not love it more. Today the sale goes live at 8 am ... and runs today and tomorrow, so shopping will be easy to do. I am adding in my favorites below, there are some great items and really great prices to take advantage of. What a perfect way to come back from a holiday ... with Lilly!
During these sales I always snag the same sorts of things so I instantly know what I am looking for. I truly love the Luxletic line so I try and snag a pair, or two, of leggings, and most definitely one or two pullovers. I live in them at home and they are so cute when I do have to go out in them. The leggings are so fun and colorful and fit so very well. I also check into getting a dress if I find one that feels like me. I like a good flowy short one for summer with sneakers or a long one for dinners out. And then last, but definitely not least, I love grabbing new pajamas. I absolutely love Lilly pjs. They are so pretty and fit so well so they are always on the list.
Here are my picks for you ... Happy Shopping!
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