I just found an old photo of my with my Easter basket sitting in my grandparents living room. I remember the image, but was too young to remember the moment. It is one of my favorite photos and the little tiny me is so very excited about her Easter basket. Do you remember being that excited? I recall Easter being so fun as a child and not understanding the true meaning of the holiday that basket was everything. I stared at this photo for a while and just tried to soak it up. The innocence of being so little ... the big gathering around my grandmothers table where we barely fit ... and the endless egg hunting. It was a great holiday tradition.
Fast forward to now and I am truly so focused on the resurrection of Christ, as it should be, and the basket takes the backseat, as it should. When the kids were little we did basket Saturday and Easter Sunday to make sure they understand the difference between hunting eggs and celebrating a risen savior. Still, their excitement on that Saturday after laying out their baskets ... it was the best. We always made little bunny feet on the wood floors with flour and filled their baskets with a mixture of candy + some great treats. I loved adding books, something fun for the hobby they loved, a new something special, and lots and lots of eggs to be hidden over and over again. Some years I hid the baskets and left clues, some years they just appeared, and always there would be a sweet treat inside that only mommy or daddy liked.
That basket ... it is still fun to stuff!
While this photo was bringing back all of these special memories I began to think what treasures I would love to find in my basket this year. I mean, a girl can dream, right? So I started window shopping and found some fun things. I realized it would be fun to share in case you have a basket to fill like mine or if you too wish you had a basket of your own this year. I mean ... why not?
Can I have it all? 😘
Such a happy post, and adorable finds. Thanks, as always, Paige.