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College Mom Transition

On Sunday I shared on Instagram that I had hit a wall with my emotions.  After being in Tuscaloosa for two days for orientation, my husband traveling constantly, and knowing so much is changing, I was overwhelmed with my feelings.  I shared because I want to be transparent in case someone else feels the same and thinks they are alone.  They aren't, anyone in this transitional phase feels weird, and we are all in this together. It is a strange feeling. Me, I have been a mother, and very hands-on, for 26 years and now that role is changing somewhat, and my emotions are all over the place.  I am sure our relationship will still be close, and I will work hard for that, but things will be different, and I am adjusting slowly to those things. Sunday was a hard day in this journey, and I had to wholly lean into it for the afternoon.  The evening was better, but wow, these emotions are heavy. 

One of my dear friends shared something so amazing with me and I think it is worth sharing with all of you.  This is a season all mothers go through, and we definitely need to bond with others feeling the same.  Her daughter graduated from high school in 2022 and has just finished her first year of college so she is a year ahead of me. Her words of encouragement and her resources were amazing

"Hey honey, if anybody understands all of the transitions this year involves, I certainly do. I think that it is sometimes harder for those who have many children because they have been mothers for so long that they feel the change in more significant ways. I have been a part of two groups this year, and I am going to send you a screenshot of both book covers. I highly encourage doing this together with a group of women who are in the same season of life. I was invited by a lady who assembled a group of women who were first-time empty-nesters from all different schools and what we found was, we had so much in common it was scary, but it was so comforting to be able to just laugh and cry and talk about it with other people who understand. We actually became pretty good friends and are getting together for lunch this week. Feel all the feelings and talk about it.  It really does help.  Love you!"

Doesn't that feel like a big hug and a support group all in one?  I intend to do just what she suggests and if you are in the same boat I know you love this too.  I have linked all the books below that she suggested and has read.  I hope they are helpful to you as well. 


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