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WTH ... aspanagas?

Ok ... so I love to eat out. Even better I love delivery take out. It is kind of like having a personal chef that delivers what you want in 30-45 minutes in cute little boxes. Well, I am beginning to worry!!

Last night at a mexican restaurant on the square I was reading the menu looking for the yummy vegetarian dishes. I came across a veggie quesadilla. Sounds good, let's read on. Two of the ingredients celery and coliflower. Ok ... do not add a "vegetable" that appears regularly in soups and stews and WTF is coliflower??? I am not touching that one with a ten foot pole.

So, I begin to recover and then tonight I am perusing the chinese menu for delivery and I come across another vegetable which I am not familiar. Aspangas. Ok ... what the hell is that one?

I understand the language barrier, but perhaps the printer could use their spell check?



  1. ok, you have me hooked! I'm sure you knew what sort of crack you were dealing before you even mentioned it! Would love to join you and the other blog girls for drinks one night! If you get a minute check me out...mymonogrammedtahoe, it's not quite as entertaining as I am sure it will be but you gotta start somewhere!
    Tahoe Girl

  2. Oh too funny. I am the same way- I can spot a misprint a mile away in something someone else wrote. Or a goof in a movie (holding something one minute and not the next) and then it will drive me batty.



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