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Everclear = poison

Clemsongirl and I totally agree ... everclear is poison. We drank a little too much of the fabulous Swamp Water at the party last night and today we are 17 shades of yuck. I am super tired, fuzzy and sporting a headache like no other and Clemsongirl is also feeling the yuck.

We had a great time last night. Friends, laughter lots of Swamp Water ... who could ask for more? Maybe seeing two friends dressed so well you do not even recognize them ... or going to a party with Lawyer dressed in boxers ... oh the good times were a plenty ...

As soon as Hair Girl awakens from her long nap I will post photos ...

That will make your day ... pinky swear ....



  1. as long as you omit the photo of the 2 of us...with my eyes are half closed and bad bad bad looking...

    smooches...when are we having another spend the night...your house rocks.

  2. awesome...hope you all are feeling better, but sounds like you had a fantastic time...hangovers are the worst.



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