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Holly Madison here I come ...

We are attending a Halloween party tonight. We have never been to a costume party as a couple and the last time I dressed in costume I was a dwarf (as in the seven). It sucked!!! But you will do a lot for your best friend on her wedding day. The costume contained a hula-hoop and I will leave it at that.

Lawyer is dressing as Hugh Hefner and I am Holly. We are pysched. I am glamming it up and not wearing a bunny tail. I do, however, have bunny ears and fish nets.

Thats all I am saying for now ...



  1. You MUST post pics! I can't wait to hear how this goes. I'm sure you guys will have a blast!

  2. PLEASE, please, please post some pics!!! Do you maybe enjoy the Girls Next Door as much as I do?? Awesome idea that I might have to steal!



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