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Drive thru therapy ...

I love the drive thru liquor store near our house. It rocks!!

I always make up a batch of margaritas when we have company over. These same margaritas may have made poor little Monogrammed Tahoe a little overserved!

What can I say?

They are yummy!!!

So ... I drive thru the liquor store and begin to list off the ingredients I need.

The attendant asks me if I am having a party ... I respond no ... my husband's family is coming over for a BBQ ...

He looks at me and asks "Would you like a menu?"

Um ... yes ... maybe I need one!


  1. Um I love the odea of a drive thru liquor store!! Growing up there was a drive thru milk store. I'm sure they sold other things but we only ever went for milk. I was in Hometown 2 weeks ago and noticed they closed in the drive thru area and its now a nail salon. Because the world needs more of those! I bet new parents will never know the joy now of not having to get the kids out of the car to just go buy milk. Sad!

  2. L-O-V-E your blog- just ran across it. Love it even more than your drive thru liquor store WITH a menu! Hyster!


  3. Goodness gracious! A drive thru liquor store? I've never heard of such (but I sure wish they'd put one close by me over here in the Land of Belle)



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