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I do not love to cook!

Ok ... I have said it.  I would rather have take out or sit and watch Lawyer cook.  He is such a great cook and has such a passion that I never had to develop a love for cooking.  Until ... he moved to Kansas.

Papa likes to eat promptly at 6:30 every night and he is not a fan of take out or going out to dinner more than once a week.  Ugh!  I can make a mean salad ... but dinner every night ... no thank you!  I have been forced to adopt a nightly dinner making ritual.  And dinner every night means more marketing which I despise.  But ... I am muddling thru it all!  I was thrilled last Friday night when my parents stopped in on their way back from Florida and my dad insisted we go out for Mexican.  No cooking for me and I was even able to enjoy a large glass of Sangria!  Yum!

I have branched out quite a bit.  I have grilled flank steak, pork tenderloin, hamburgers and hot dogs and I have scoured my cook books for yummy recipes that do not like too time consuming.  I had to search online for how to light and cook on a charcoal grill and I must say I am pretty good at it.  Last night I made broiled chicken (on the bone) with a homemade cranberry sauce and smashed white beans.  Everybody loved and I wasn't even discouraged by the amount of dishes or effort it required. 

Tonight we are having this dish ...

Courtesy of

Every single recipe I have pulled from her site is delicious and I expect nothing less with this one!

I am not sure that I will ever LOVE to cook ... who needs to with a husband who simply revels in it?  But I will say I have put in quite the effort and I am very proud of myself and the results!


1 comment:

  1. The rotisserie chickens from Publix are a godsend in my house! Just steam some broccoli add fruit and voilà dinner is ready! Leftovers are great for chicken tacos!



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