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The gift of help ...

I have been really tired lately.  The truth is I was beyond tired and I realized recently I did not think it would ever end.  I have been the kind of tired that comes along when you do too much.  Way too much.  Take on too much, are handed too much ... it doesn't really matter.  It is the same exhaustion and I had plain hit the wall!

Ok ... crashed into it!

So ... since Lawyer's travel schedule will not be slowing down ANYTIME soon I needed a new plan.  

I made one.  I hired a precious sitter for a few days a week and I hired a cleaning service.  And they all started today ... Hallelujah chorus.  I heard the angels singing.  

I am sure the cleaning ladies thought I was crazy.  I must have thanked them for coming five times.  Lawyer paid them extra for staying way longer than I am sure they thought they would.  I honestly would not be surprised if they showed up to work again tomorrow.  I was REALLY happy to see them!!!  My house shines!!  And I could not be happier!!!  It is official ... Tuesday is my new favorite day.  

The precious sitter arrived just about the same time.  Seriously between her cute smile and the ladies cleaning who spoke very little, if no, English I was so giddy I almost did a dance.  Ok ... I did a huge dance in my car as I was driving away with no one, and very little responsibility.  

It was the most amazing feeling.  And I found the solution to my problem ... I needed some help!  A lot of it actually.  

And I am incredibly grateful for it!!



  1. Good stuff. Enjoy the serenity of a peaceful, clean house. There is nothing like it!

  2. So glad you got a clean house and a break. It's the little things...right?
    What did you do with your free time?

    1. My free time was spent catching up on my life ... I had lunch with my sweet friend Maggi, returned some things to Target and TJ Maxx, filled a prescription, ran thru the Starbucks for a nice cold treat and listened to music in my car that only I would like! Not exciting to others but refreshing to me!!!



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