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Hi Doll!

I apologize for the lack of posts this week ... family comes first!!!  I flew out on Sunday morning, yes Mother's Day, for Florida to visit my very sick Nana.  I was not sure what shape she would be in when I arrived and I prayed very hard I would not be too late.  I arrived safely and had the chance to spend the day with both my mother and my grandmother.  It turned out to be a very sweet Mother's Day for all of us.

When I arrived my grandmother had just been transferred to the CICU and was in bad shape. She was asleep.  I leaned over and kissed her cheek and she squeezed my hand and said the two little words I had been praying for since I boarded the plane, "Hi Doll!!!"  Those two little words are home for me.  

I am back home and my Nana is stable once again.  I am exhausted as I imagine she is as well but our time together was as magical as it always is and I am incredibly thankful for the gift of time we have been given.  We are not guaranteed anything and have to make the most of each and every single moment of the day.  I will sleep well tonight knowing that precious time will forever have a place in my heart!!!

I love you Nana!!


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