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Parenting 101 ...

I can remember when my oldest was very young.  He was a good child.  In some ways he was amazing.  He was independent, not afraid to be separated and used his ma'ams and sirs appropriately.  I was convinced he was a good child because I was a great parent.


Hahahahaha ... I just snorted.  And possibly peed a little.

Seriously ... was I the dumbest parent ever?  

He was a rule follower because he was wired that way.  He was cautious because that is his makeup.  I wasn't some amazing parent that needed to be written about in journals and taped for Dateline.  I was a "normal" parent with a good child.

Fast forward 15 years.  He is still a good kid who makes age appropriate mistakes.  All three of mine are.  They have their good days and then they have their bad ones ... and sometimes the bad ones last a really looooong time.  

I can remember before my children were born deciding what they would and would not do.  They would never talk back, they would never cut their own hair, they would never "act like that" or "talk like that to" others.  


Hahahahaha ... seriously??  I swear I was a complete moron!!!

I should have been praying for guidance on how to raise each one of them with their God given qualities instead of deciding what they would be like.  The oldest talks back a lot and I pray A LOT to be able to mold it into him standing up for what he knows is right when he needs to.  The middle one gets picked on more than I ever want to admit and I pray constantly that his feisty little sister will always be there to stand up for him until he learns to do it for himself.  The youngest one not only cut her hair but had to wear a "boy hair cut" for almost a year.  I pray she will always beat to her own God designed drum instead of feeling the need to fit in.

Parenting advice??  I don't have any!  They only thing I can say is this ...

All children make age appropriate mistakes.  They are learning and growing daily.  Don't judge their actions or responses.  Step back ... reflect and PRAY!!!  And be willing to change tactics whenever you need to!

That's the only thing working for me!!!



  1. Wonderful advice! My kids are 21 and 19 now, so I was able to laugh with you! Things never are like what we plan! But it all works out the way it is supposed too!



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