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Scott's recap ...

 Scott's last Thursday was a day of magical happenings!!!  As soon as I got out of the car I spotted the most adorable blanket chest.  The perfect shade of pale green with a great place to add a monogram.  His price .. $55.  Sold.  He also had a bamboo bookcase.  Four shelves.  $45.  Sold.

When we arrived at the North building the Bestie spotted this set of racks of vintage linens.  It was at the edge of a booth in the front that we always refer to as the Palm Beach booth.  It is a bunch of guys from Palm Beach and none of them can be older than 26.  You never know how many will show up and they are always decked out in their preppy clothes.  In these racks of linens I scored three amazing things ... 

First would be this set of drapes.  Fully lined, vintage Brunschwig and Fils, and amazing!!  The perfect color combination for my den.  I immediately loved them!!  I wasn't sure about the length of them but I figured I could play with the rod a little and could always add a thick trim at the bottom if I need to make them longer.  Each panel was super wide and at least one and a half widths.  Two panels $50 each.   SOLD.

Then came these.  Holy fabulousness!!!  Another set of drapes but this time there were five panels.    Still unsure of the length but the colors were amazing for my new yellow kitchen.  Another vintage Brunschwig and Fils, fully lined and heavy as hell, $25 per panel.  We grabbed all five!!

The last score were twin bed skirts.  I mean seriously?  How cute are they??  MHM's room is very Lilly Pulitzer and I think the bed skirts will be a perfect addition.  $25 for the pair.  I told you ... I stole my goods!! 

As I am writing the check the guy tells me the linens are from his grandmother's house in Palm Beach.  If he had told me that in the beginning I am pretty sure I would have bought them no questions asked.  I am pretty convinced I left some goodies behind but I am not sure where I would have put any more.  They are simply divine and perfect for my house.  Of course I could have bought new ... but these have a story.  I love a great story.  They were made for me!!!

Friday night I hung the kitchen panels.  One minor injury and they were up easy peasy!!  I mean seriously?  Aren't they a perfect match??

They need to be lowered but as long as I have a bad dog they will remain that high.  If either one of them dares rub or God forbid pea on one of them I will go completely postal.  So until further notice they shall remain too high!!

Now to just paint that black fixture ... UGH!!

Oh and once I hung the den panels they were the absolute perfect height.  I hung them at the ceiling and then just puddled at the floor.  

Sheer perfection!!

I decided the blue pillows on the couch were not a great match with the new panels so I drug MHM back to Scott's on Friday to trade them out for a green gingham set.  I love the pillow lady in the back of the North building.  She let me trade the old ones and bagged up my new set and off we went!

It only cost me a hot dog, a bag of Sun Chips and a soda for baby girl!!

All in all one amazing Scott's trip.  I am sure next month will be a let down after this one ... but I can't always be that lucky!!




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