Doesn't relate at all ... but just really funny!
So many things catch my eye. One of my oldest friends once told me that she was afraid of all the thoughts that bounce around in my head.
I can be working on one thing (like dinner at the moment) and then BAM I am planning a party or decorating a room in my head five seconds later. The next thing I know is I am listening to music and blogging about something super fun and hoping the sausage I am browning to fancy up my Rotel dip doesn't burn!
These are some fabulous things currently on my radar ~
This yummy cocktail ... but really I am more obsessed with the copper pineapple container.
Just ordered a set of these for my planters on either side of the garage. I had a set last year and when we set up the table for the 30 mile breast cancer walk I seem to be missing them.
Barn doors? This is brilliant!
Yummy! And even better ... if you make it I will pop over and bring a fabulous hostess gift!
I absolutely love this envelope and I have asked my precious friend Natalie to hand letter our graduation announcements. I hope it will make the standard issue announcement super fabulous!
Who doesn't love an FYI?
The Italian in me would want this at every single meal if possible. That and maybe a side of garlic and olive oil pasta. And warm crusty bread.
Blood orange anything is my JAM!
How amazing is this topiary? My friends and I are planning a summer is coming soiree and this looks perfect for it.
These are perfect for my graduation picnic party. And I love that they just need a sticker to make them fabulous!
I like big bows and I can not lie!
Lavender is always a good option for me.
Happy hump day!
This week is dragging on for me ... but only TWO MORE DAYS until the weekend!
The Kate Spade clutch is to die for!! I'm so glad to hear I'm not the only one with a million thoughts all at once (and in no particular order). Happy Friday!