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New Year Feast

Since there is only a week between Christmas and New Years I enjoyed our Christmas table as long as I could before changing it over to celebrate the coming new year.  Dressing the table is one of my favorite things to do and it definitely gets me in the mood for a celebration!

Pulling out candles and arranging flowers works every single time.  As sad as I was to see the Christmas table put away, I was excited to embrace the new year.

You can see my amazing Christmas present.  I actually had it installed in November, but since it was a large purchase the Hubs and I agreed it would serve as my Christmas gift.  He tried to tack on my birthday too, but let's not get too crazy!

We used his great grandmother's monogrammed silver.  I love that I have her entire collection of monogrammed silver.  It's a simple monogram, but still so special.  Pulling it out this year inspired me to start collecting for our baby girl.  I only have a few pieces so far, but I am so excited!

We have the traditional pork, greens and usually black eyed pea meal.  This year the Hubs traded black eyed peas for fried okra.  He doesn't like peas, so I just went with it.  And who doesn't love okra?

Since the table setting is pretty universal in colors I am planning to leave it up for a few weeks.  I love a set table and it makes the celebration feel like it just keeps going on, right?

Happy Tuesday!

1 comment:

  1. Love the new chandelier and the monogrammed dishes. Happy New Year, Paige.



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