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Easter Plans For Us

Happy Basket Saturday!

I think I mentioned it last week but we have always done basket Saturday with our kids.  Since our oldest was small we have always celebrated the Saturday before with Easter baskets and egg hunts.  My parents purchased their baskets for them for their respective first Easters and we use the same baskets to this day.  Baskets are filled with some yummy candy + something fun + something special.  This year I got creative and still managed to find some darling things.  I am excited for them to have them later today.

I also filled five dozen eggs to hide this morning and have them hunt at sunset.  Some of them have candy, some are empty, and some of them have some money inside, we shall see who scores. 🐇

I am really excited about this evening, we plan to eat dinner outside since tomorrow is basically tornado weather so we will be hunkering down inside to avoid the rain and the sketchy weather. We snagged a honey baked ham and I am making mashed potatoes, green veggies, and Callie's Biscuits.  I am thinking it will be exactly what we all need. I love that we will be able to snuggle in our den in the morning and watch Easter service online.  If you would love to watch along with us you can at at 10:00 am.

Easter is always a very special time for our family, and tomorrow's good news could not come at a better time!  I am so thankful we have this time, that we have a Savior and that we all have something solid to trust and lean on during these very scary times.

I hope your weekend is amazing.  I hope you are safe and well and happy.  Please know you are loved, thought about, and prayed over.  Together we are strong!

First image by Angie Webb Photography

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