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Meaningful Mornings

Mornings are my favorite part of the day, I am a true morning person.  I wake up already in a good mood, I just require a cup of coffee to be able to get going.  I know I am not the only person who goes to be dreaming of their first cup of coffee the next day.  Since the kids are now "going to school" at home I have been able to drag out my morning routine and add in a few things I am truly loving.  Trying so hard to make the time precious and not think about anything that gives me more anxious feelings. 

When I rise give me Jesus. 💗

A few weeks ago one of my friends recommended a new devotional book to me and I am really enjoying it.  I take my coffee + Millie + my devotional and head out to the porch for some quiet time.  I love the birds chirping and the morning sun and starting my day slower than I would normally. I know I am not the only one who has extra anxiety right now and starting my day off with my head and heart pointed in the right direction really has helped me so much.  I highly recommend the book I purchased ... New Morning Mercies by Paul David Tripp. I snagged my copy on Amazon.

I have a number of coffee mugs I love and I seem to gravitate to the bigger ones.  Bigger cup = more coffee for me, right?  My darling friend Evelyn Henson creates the most darling mugs with fun cheeky sayings on them.  I have a few and love them all and I love to gift them.  My newest one, the one seen here, is just the cutest.  I do love a good flamingo ... they just seem so special.

I have shared many times that I love using Acrylic Sticks ... usually for cocktails ... but I spotted a friend using them in her coffee and I was totally inspired to do the same.  A swizzle stick in your coffee is way cuter than a simple spoon, don't you think

Pajamas ... one of the things I love most.  This time at home I have had to really think about my pj life.  I tried just completely surrender knowing we would be home all the time and just live in my pajamas.  I tried it for a few days but it really began to mess with my head, so now I make sure I change in the am so I am really excited to put on my pajamas at the end of the day and life feels more normal.  I just got this pair of pink gingham pajamas and I really, really love them.  They are so cute and fit so well and I do love a pair of classic collared pajamas.  I so want the yellow pair as well.

Isn't Millie's bunny sleep mask so darling?  She is the best dog to let me do these things to her.  🐶

My recipe for a good morning ... a large cup of strong coffee + my devotional + great pajamas and a good nights rest + sun + happy music + a good attitude.  It is a focus and its not always easy but I am truly trying.  There are so many feelings about so many things right now.  Today's devotional was really good, but I really think they all are.  Based on John it talks about having life and truly living it abundantly.  The last paragraph says this ... "Could it be today that you will fretfully search horizontally for what you have already been given in Christ? Will you try to drink from an empty well when you have already been given thirst-quenching living water?"

So good.

Sometimes little confetti donuts help too. 😉

Happy Thursday ... check out my Instagram feed for a cute giveaway today!  💗


  1. Love those napkins! Which one of your very talented friends is responsible for them? I want to get them for my sister...who referred to her late husband as "Bunnies"! I called my ex-husband "Bun" which was short for "HunBun" - its a family thing!
    Thanks for your help and your daily posts which help me so much!

  2. Hi Paige! I love your blog and following you on IG! Do you happen to have a discount code for your coffee mug? It is adorable :)



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