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Great Inspiration

This is a heavy time in our world.  We are navigating a pandemic, we are coming face to face with a race conversation that is way overdue, people are sick and out of work and struggling.  We are all trying to navigate the days and weeks and moments.  It is heavy, heart breaking, and a lot to manage.

For me I find inspiration all over and inspiration brings me joy.  While I am navigating my day I check into Instagram to relax and to find some amazing inspiration.  Yesterday during the black out I found some wonderful inspiration for reading, for listening and for ways to help out during this time.  Since most every single account I follow is muted I was able to check out some of their older images and posts and when I did I found so many helpers.  I spotted one account I follow made 50 masks and raised money for No Kid Hungry and matched the donation for Black Girl Ventures. I found people sharing their experiences in how they are teaching their children about race inequality.  I watched a Live video with a great conversation led by Venita Aspen.  I found a girl I follow is sharing direct emails you can send to share your thoughts on the deaths of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor. I am waiting for any other letters she shares. I swiped up and sent my emails. (You can find the information in her ♥ highlight) I found out I could donate my Sephora points to the National Black Justice Coalition with a charity reward. I saw a news article about a black man in Nashville that wanted to go for a walk with his dog and was afraid to go alone.  He posted his worry and 75 people showed up to walk with him.  I drove around last night (my pup wanted a car ride) and found a house where every single window had a heart in it. 

I was greatly inspired. 

There is much work to do with our economy, our views on race, our views on the virus, and in our hearts.  But I am confident that the work can be done and I will continue to be inspired to look for the helpers.  I think most of the work needed is heart work as the spiritual battle is huge.  We are told to love another, be kind to one another, and most of all to treat others as we would treat ourselves.  My specific prayer is for healing and love and kindness. I have faith that we can do it, and to God be all the glory.

I will keep looking for the helpers, as there are never more heroes present than during a crisis.  As I see them I will share them so that we may all be inspired.

Happy Wednesday to all!  ❤

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