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Everyone in America and beyond has heard of Kim Kardashian; because of that, we all know her brand of shapewear Skims. However, until yesterday I had not seen them in person, touched them, and wanted to leave the store with a shopping cart full of the pieces.  After having lunch yesterday at the Nordstrom Cafe with my friend Nicole, we stopped into the pajama department only to discover that Nordstrom has quite the selection of Skims products. 

After simply touching the product, I was in love. It is quite possibly the softest lingerie and shapewear I have ever felt, and from that initial interaction, I was sold. My store was not fully stocked with all sizes, so I left with just one product, but after perusing online, I now have a list of six to eight more items to try. The price points are so budget-friendly, and since shapewear can genuinely change how an outfit wears, I am always searching for comfortable pieces.  Nothing is worse than wearing something and feeling like all it did was push the extra bits around, so now your chest is more significant than ever.  Or ... peeling yourself out of a piece after an event and feeling like you can breathe for the first time all evening.  That is never a good experience, and for that reason alone, there are certain brands I do not wear.  But Skims is on my approved list and should be for you. 

Skims tag line is "solutions for every body," and the color range alone is evidence of this branding.  Although the size range wasn't there yesterday, the color ranges were.  I was thrilled to find a few color options for myself and was proud to know others would be able to do the same.  On the website, the about page states this ... 

SKIMS is a solutions-oriented brand creating the next generation of underwear, loungewear, and shapewear.

We are setting new standards by providing solutions for every body.  From technically constructed shapewear that enhances your curves to underwear that stretches to twice its size, our goal is to consistently innovate on the past and advance our industry for the future.

I walked out of the store with a bandeau bra for my strapless and thin strap dresses, and I love it so much.  It is soft, comfortable, and still; it does exactly what it is supposed to do. I made a list of the shapewear I think everyone "should" own if they desire and then added a few extra pieces for myself to try as the underwear was terrific. Nothing should be uncomfortable ... ever ... and I will not be buying or wearing anything that is not.  

This line is spectacular, and if you haven't tried it yet, I suggest you give it a go. From underwear to pajamas, she has it covered.  Well done, girl, you killed it. 

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