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Vintage Beaded Ornaments

A number of years ago at Scott Antique Market I spotted a darling and fun pink beaded ornament.  As all things go with me, then I saw another and another and before I knew it I was collecting them to hang on our tree each year.  These vintage beaded ornaments were sold in kits and made by our grandmothers as treats for their tree and as gifts for others.  They are adorned with sequins, beads, pearls, silk threads, and even tiny objects.  To me they are so very beautiful and something I buy each time I find them.  Over the years I have gathered enough to fill a punch bowl and as I gathered them together this year I could not help but wonder who made them, where they hung in their past life, and which of the people in my life will want them after me.  This bowl of estate sale goodness is one of my favorite little collections I have, and I love seeing them hung on our tree some years, and others, all snug in this beautiful bowl. 


Pass The Cocoa

The very second that we have cleaned up Thanksgiving I began to crave hot chocolate. I think the Macy's Day Parade + the start of holiday decorating just flips a hot cocoa switch in my brain.  Years ago when the kids were really little and lived off of the chocolate in a cup I set up our first hot cocoa station and never looked back.  I love a fully dressed hot cocoa, and so do they, so I gather up some of my favorite toppings + the cutest little accoutrements and a hot cocoa bar is born. 


Nutcracker In The Dining Room

I have a confession, two years ago at Christmas was the first time in my life I had seen the Nutcracker.  Well, that I recall.  My mother says we say it together when I was little but I do not remember and most certainly probably was distracted as a small child.  I do love the theater, both my mother and grandmother are huge fans, so it made perfect sense for us for my mother and I to see it together.  We absolutely loved it (if you are local see it at the Fox) and I have been thinking about it ever since. I found some darling Nutcracker themed poppers this year and the vision for our dining room took off.  I think the darling little details ... and the vintage Avon wood ornaments (found on Etsy) are truly my favorite parts. 


Collections + Traditions

Let's talk about collections and traditions today ... two of my favorite things to talk about, and do, each holiday season.  When I was little I remember opening that one single box on Christmas eve and getting to put on freshly washed and cozy Christmas pajamas for one last sleep.  I remember the first year we were married with a baby I was determined to not miss out on my pajama tradition.  I told Lawyer time and time again what was expected and he delivered, well sort of.  Before my sad self headed up to bed he told me to check the dryer ... and there it was a Christmas nightgown washed and ready for me.  It was truly so sweet, but I think he was thrilled when my mom took over the tradition for him the next year.  He doesn't do pressure well at all, and definitely not in the gift category. When we had children of our own I was determined to keep the tradition alive ... and 25 years later it is the one thing they all ask before we retire for the evening.  I love the simple "is it time to open our gift?".  

Traditions are truly my favorite. 💗


Block Print Goodness

Last week I stepped into the best new dress ... and I did not want to take it off.  I love a great dress, one you can wear with fun sneakers, booties, and most definitely loafers!  I think the beauty of a dress for me is that it is easy to wear and elevates my day by the ease of wearing it.  I feel pretty ... and these dresses most definitely get me excited about wearing them and tackling the day. 


Cody Foster Christmas Houses

I absolutely love vintage Christmas houses ... and have collected them for years.  It wasn't until last year that I realized I was drawn to those made by Cody Foster.  Now that I have narrowed that down I am watching and making a wish list of those I love.  Each year they are different, but with some careful watching on eBay I have found that you can purchase some from years past.  There is something about a Cody Foster house, they have such darling details and the pink ones are by far the best.  I snagged two this year from
Lucy's Market and I am completely in love with them.  I chose Santa's House and the Snow Angel Cottage House.  I have my eye on one more (ok, two) ... but it is Christmas and I have to leave a few things on the wish list. 😉


My Gift Shopping ...

Anyone want to talk about the fact that we are 15 days away from Christmas?  I mean, wowza for sure! As I am prepping today for a small brunch at my house tomorrow I am heavily gathering gifts for my best friends and family.  The remainder of my wrapping paper arrives today and tonight while watching movies I intend to start wrapping.  I love buying and wrapping gifts, I get so excited about what I picked out for my loved ones.  


Without A Hitch ...

From the time I met Mary Huddleston in 2019 she spoke of the book she was working on with such pride.  As an event planner working for one of the largest outlets in Dallas, Texas Mary as most definitely seen and worked on some crazy events.  What I have always loved about Mary is her incredible work ethic.  I noticed this the first time we planned something together.  She had asked me to come and collaborate with her on a tablescape in Nashville and I literally showed up and it was completely taken care of, every single detail.  We were shooting and she took a break to go to the bathroom and I could hear her making calls to check on a project while she was in the bathroom peeing.  I was blown away, she literally never stops.  I knew then and there that Mary was a girl working on a plan. 


It's A Colorful Life Tour Of Our Den

... and welcome to our den.  I absolutely love Christmas, as you know, and so decorating our home is so very fun for me.  I find decorating our home to prepare for the bliss of December to be something I have worked on for years.  I know which areas I find that shine and those are my favorites to add touches of pink, green, glitter, velvet, and vintage pieces that I have collected for years. The den is most definitely the heart of our home, and so it is my favorite all gussied up for the best month of the year, December. 


Hostess Gifts + Favorite Things

Happy Monday ... and happy second week of December!  Do we think time will ever slow down a little bit?  I had a really laid back weekend after hitting a major wall last week.  I am not sure what all contributed to the panic attack, but I know I have made some big changes since then.  I do know that I was in the middle of working on my advent posts for Influenced by Grace and talking about Mary and her heart and thoughts and at the same time staring at a very worldly to do list.  It did not make any sense at all and I had to make some changes and remove items.  This is the season of advent and I want to lean into that and to the blessings I have been given and not spend the season rushing from one thing to another and not enjoy any of it.  I laid on the couch on Saturday evening watching the SEC championship and snuggling with my family staring at the beautiful twinkle lights just taking it all in. It was peaceful and it was right where I wanted and needed to be. 


Amazing + Beautiful Homes ...

Happy Friday ... I hope your week has been incredible.  Where have I been all week?  Buried under boxes I need to ship for the shop and decorating for Christmas.  I will be back next week when both are done with so much to share and all the time to devote to all sorts of fun things.  Last minute shopping, tutorials, hacks, and the like.  I am so close to finishing all the things on my list this week ... so I can just write and play all next week.  


Jewels At The Greenbrier

It will be of zero surprise to all of you when I tell you that Hazen & Co. is one of my most favorite small businesses.  I absolutely adore Taylor and her team and their incredible customer service and philosophy of running the business.  What I love most about Taylor, beyond her precious heart, is her creativity, and her incredible collection photo shoots.  When she told me her newest collection was shot at The Greenbrier I spent all of one second before I said ... "I am going to need those images."  


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