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Memorial Day ... We Always Remember

I hope your weekend was relaxing and lovely, ours was perfect.  Today we pause to remember all of those who gave their lives for our protection and freedom.  I always buy and use all the flags I can find.  They are in our pots, at the front door, in the flowers, on the porch, and on the kitchen table.  This year I remembered we own a large wool flag and the Hubs and I hung it on the porch in remembrance. I loved walking by the door and being humbled by its presence. I am very blessed to come from a family of service and to have never lost a loved one in the military. But ... I am very aware many have and continue to have their loved ones serve for our freedom.  


Cheeky Needlepoint

I love a great cheeky piece ... something that makes you giggle when you read it.  I have a small collection of cheeky needlepoint pieces and I am looking to add more to the collection.  Recently I snagged a cute piece at the pop up at The Studio at Candler Park and I think hanging it in my office only fueled my want for another piece or two.  I have my eye on this piece which I think would be so cute finished as a pillow ... can you imagine it on a side chair in the den?  I love it.  


Sea Marie .. Make A Note

While perusing my favorite blogs this morning I was stopped in my tracks.  So much so that I moved what I was intending to post today to share it with you.  First of all, if you are not reading
Diana Rose Spier's blog you need to asap. I love Diana and her style and everything she curates is beyond.  So when I was checking on the sources I was so excited to discover that it all came from my favorite headband girl, Sea Marie.  


A Little Office Update ...

So ... since we can call the dining room done, well at least while we wait on the chairs, I am moving on to room number two.  I wasn't planning on doing the office next, but since it is an easy do I am starting it today and will be done this weekend.  My office is basically exactly the way I want it, but does need a few tweaks.  It will be an easy week, with lots of organization, a few minor changes and then bam ... we can cross room number two off the list. 


Dining Room ... the after

Wow ... that took two weeks, but guess what?  The dining room is done.  I am sooo excited to mark it off the list and no longer have post its and little items stashed all over and under things waiting for me to finish the room.  I can not tell you how happy I am I made the decision to start this process.  I woke up the morning of day one so motivated and now I can not, will not stop.  

So, let's chat ... 


Memorial Day Inspiration

Anyone else so ready for a holiday we can celebrate with others?  I am usually dragging my feet for school to last so the kids will not be another year older, but this year, I am over it.  School is hard, especially on the kids, and I think they need a real break.  So ... bring it on and let's celebrate all summer long. 


Girlfriends Guide to Estate Sales Event Recap

We had the very best time on Saturday in Candler Park.  The Girlfriends Guide to Estate Sales was a hit and meeting all of you was the highlight of my week.  We sipped mimosas, chatted, shared secrets, tips, and the very best swag bag with each of the live participants.  For ninety minutes Nicole and I talked and shared all the things from how to find a sale, how to prep, what to hunt for, and how to find details about and clean what you purchase. All of this while absorbing the talent and incredible art from our host Shannon Coppage in her new space, The Studio at Candler Park. I can't say it enough, it was sooo good. 


My New Favorite Shoes

In the last year and a half I made a decision to invest in shoes.  I do not mean collect them, I mean spend the extra money for well made, great fitting shoes so that they last for years and years.  I am done with the days of snagging an inexpensive, cute pair of shoes that hurt my feet and show wear immediately, I am searching for a well made, great fit, can wear for hours and hours ah-mazing shoe. 


Design Books

Happy Thursday!  This was not the post I had planned for today, but when my friend suggested I talk about this subject the timing could not have been more perfect.  During this week of dining room work I have picked up and flipped through a total of four of the books in my collection.  It started with monogram inspiration, moved to chair cover inspiration, then moved to sconce placement inspiration, and then last night I was trying to figure out if I placed a sconce the way I wanted it and so back to my design book library I went.  The point being ... I have a great collection of design books and I use them all the time for inspiration, for great relaxation, and for blog post ideas.  I love the ones I have and I USE them, which was Nicole's point.  Her exact words to me were ... you should write about that.  You use your books all the time and I don't use mine and I can't be the only one who doesn't.  


All The Things On My Radar Currently

That was a mouthful of a title, but it is true.  I have screenshot so many fun things to go back and checkout and I figured why not share it with you.  I have been so busy this week, in the best way possible, working on the dining room and I can share with you I have also slept so well.  I don't know about you but I sleep so much better when my head is clear of the mental to do lists I make for myself.  I can walk into a room and before I know it instantly feel the stress of all the things I have not finished.  This project I have now taken on for myself is truly the best idea I have ever had.  


Dining Room ... Week 1

I was so excited when I woke up this morning knowing I was finally tackling something that has plagued me for months.  It is the beginning of Operation Completion and I am HERE FOR IT.  For so long I have left rooms in various stages of completion and for what reason I will never know.  I am very type A and this behavior was anything but.  I think I got busy and kept thinking I would have time.  Guess what, you only have time for what you make time to do.  And it was time to make this happen. 


Operation Completion ... the plan

I can not tell you how pumped I am for this project.  I have already felt a weight begin to lift from my shoulders ... and I love to create home content so this is a major win, win.  Yesterday as I was going through my day I would walk into a room and think ... soon, you will be tidy and finished.  It was such a great feeling.  Can Monday hurry, maybe just a little bit?


Operation Completion

I was on Instagram yesterday and noticed a few of my friends gearing up for a spring round of the One Room Challenge.  I was thinking back to all the rooms we have transformed in our house with that six week crunch of work, excitement, and more work.  I love working in our home and creating new rooms that work for our family and watching them come together.  As I was instantly trying to figure out if I could jump in I realized I do not have the budget or the time to do the room that needs it the most, our basement den.  I am just not up for it ... but hopefully this summer is the time. 


Market Umbrella Shopping

We had our deck power washed last week to prepare to stain it again and then seal it.  It has been needing some TLC for a while and I finally the first stage crossed off the list. It is only through stage one and I am already feeling so much better about the whole thing.  I love porch and deck weather and it was needing some love and attention in a bad way. While we were moving furniture I noticed that my umbrella had been damaged in a recent storm.  I have had it for about four years and I guess its time with us was just done.  


My Favorite Sandal

I have let you down.  I promised you that I would share my favorite sandal with you and then somehow the post I created didn't post and I have no idea where it lives now.  Yep, so there is that and we move on. 😂 I ordered a few dresses recently, which I shared, and then also a number of my favorite summer sandal in a number of colors so that I will be ready to completely ready to embrace all the warm weather headed our way.  For my trip to Florida few weeks ago I packed one pair of sneaks and then all the sandals ... because I love them that much. 

design + development by kelly christine studio