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Cocktail Hour ...

It has been so long since I gave you a fun little cocktail hour inspired post ... and this one is going to be so fun.  Maybe it was the long week, maybe it was the couple of days of rain, but I am truly ready for a great sit by the fire, have a cocktail evening. The Hubs has been treating us to morning fires on the weekend and a fire almost every single evening and it has been heavenly. It is so cozy, so warm, and perfect for spending some quality time at the end of the day together. 💗 


My Favorite Robe

As a child and older I was never a fan of a robe.  I think it is the product of growing up in Florida where the littlest amount of clothing when you are sleeping and out of the shower is best.  I had a great terry wrap around I wore as a teen and when I went to college, we all had them, but it was not until I moved to Georgia I developed a desire to own a robe.  I remember the first time I knew I needed one.  I was living in Virginia Highlands and I went upstairs to the house that I lived in the basement apartment under to ask for something and one of the girls answered the door wearing a darling plaid robe.  Under the robe she had a perfect pair of plaid pajamas that was not the same pattern, but still a great plaid.  As she asked me what I wanted I am sure I just stood there with my head tilted thinking ... I am going to need to a "robe" to my list of must haves. 😂 I can remember it vividly ... her pairing of pajamas + robe was perfection.


Great Movie Recommendations

Since all of us are now "going to the movies" at home for the foreseeable future, I decided to share some amazing movies that we have watched over the last year.  We have watched a lot of tv, but who hasn't, but there are truly some great movies that made an impression on me. I came across this article from Town & Country yesterday which got me to thinking, and adding new ones to my list, what would I recommend? So ... here you go, my top picks from all of our watching.


All The Paint, please!

Happy Monday
... I hope your weekend was a good one!  For me it was filled with estate sales, shipping, more estate sales and lots of sunny cold weather.  I also did a bunch of needlepointing which was so fun to fit in, it relaxes me so very much! I did a super fun question and answer session on Saturday evening and got some amazing questions ... including a lot about the paint in our home. I love paint ... and I love great colors so I decided the best way to share with you would be in today's blog post.


Blood Orange Bourbon Smash


A few years ago I made this yummy cocktail for Lawyer and I and then, somehow, forgot about it.  With the weather this week being cold and wet I thought it would be so yummy to serve tonight by a fire and a movie.  I am linking the original post for you with the recipe, but to help you along I will tell you that at the market today you will need to grab a few blood oranges, some fresh mint, and bitters if you do not already have it in your bar.  I used bourbon since that is our favorite, but you could change it to vodka or gin if you prefer. 


Blue + Green

A week or so ago on Instagram Whitney English talked about how to update a room, or your house, using what she called the ONBB system.  According to her plan, you add in some old, some new, some borrowed items (nature, trips, etc.), and some blue and green.  When I first read her idea I remember tilting my head but as she showed examples I was immediately on board.  For our house of many colors, as my kids refer to it, I have always stuck to the plan that each room needed some of the same elements to feel connected to each other. For me that has always been both green and blue.  I completely agree with her idea ... and even if your green is a plant or two, the two colors instantly balance any room.


Pink, Pink + More Pink

We are now 11 days from February which for me is the month of pink.  I wear all the pink in the month of love and this year I feel like it may be on steroids.  I am feeling all the love.  Love for my neighbor, love for my country, love for the changes we have made in the new year, and most of all, love for my people. My level of pink may be completely out of control, and I am more than alright with that. 


Bagel Board Goodness

There are a lot of board inspirations on the internet, and most definitely Instagram, and you can literally make anything from a hot cocoa board (yes please) to a burger board and every single thing in between.  Think of it as great merchandising for your meal or snack.  A year or so ago I spotted a bagel board on Instagram and was immediately drooling.  I love a great bagel on Saturday morning complete with lox, sliced tomato, sliced onion, and finished with salt + pepper.  Since I am mostly gluten free I try to limit my bagel consumption to once a week knowing it will most definitely spark a headache.  That bagel board stuck with me and I kept trying to think of a time I could make it work.  I found myself thinking a lot about ... well, would a bagel board be fun for sleepovers?  Would it be good for Christmas morning?  Honestly the conversation in my head became ridiculous.  Until ... last week. 


Consigning With The Real Real

Does anyone else tackle their closet this time of year to start fresh with a clean and organized space?  My closet is one of the spaces in our house that can either bring me joy or truly stress me out quite a bit depending on the organization and tidiness of the space. My closet is a good size but most definitely not large and is organized the best it can be with the size it is and the sheer amount of the items inside.  Sometimes I feel like I own the Carrie Bradshaw closet with all the things stuffed inside which was clearly bigger and deeper than it seemed.  The main difference being, obviously, the clothes inside being very, very different


A Great List Of Interviews ...

A week or so I put out a poll on Instagram asking what you would like to see on the blog this year and one of the topics I added in was who you would like to see interviewed.  I got some great suggestions, and have noted down each one.  What I realized was how many of you that have not read some of the interviews I have completed.  The most requested person was one of my dearest friends, Emily McCarthy.  Emily is one of the best people I know, both inside and out, and I interviewed her, and she interviewed me a while back.  I talked with her last night and we agreed we needed to update the interview which will happen most likely LIVE on Instagram very soon.  I just love that girl. 


Winter ... At Our Door

Last week when I drove into the driveway I was sad thinking that when my holiday decor came down my front door would look so different, and honestly sad.  Winter is not one of my favorite seasons due to the fact that there is nothing green or living showing. I do love fire season and snuggling up in the house but greeting a front door without a cute wreath and something living just sounded not fun at all. So ... I decided to change that up and make it fabulous, and I am super excited about the result. 


New Morning Mercies

Last year about this time, maybe a month or so later, I purchased the best book I have purchased in a long time, New Morning Mercies by Paul David Tripp.  Every single time I share it in my stories I get a ton of questions about the book title.  It comes from what I have shared, which would be a tid bit of what he has written.  It will catch your attention and then you need to know what book it is I am quoting from.  It is truly the one book we could all add to our daily routine. It is a fantastic devotional that will speak to you, convict you in love, and give you something very clear to think about all day long.  I could not love it more. 


Cottage Journal ... Editor's Favorite

I am super excited to share that our home has once again been featured in The Cottage Journal. In the current issue, entitled Southern Cottage, our home is part of the editor's round up of favorites of the year. I truly can not believe we were chosen, the honor is the best way to start off the year. The feature is identical to the one from the summer but if you missed it the first time this is your chance to see it again.  I truly can not believe it was printed twice, it is such an exciting way to start the year. If you do not see the magazine at your local market you can purchase it here online


Blue + White To Transition

When I worked at The Gap in college after Christmas the first two shipments would be all blue and white items. There would be a lot of navy, some cream, some white and a variety of blue pieces to make the transition to spring. I recall it being a great gateway to the colors of spring and also one of my first impressions of how much I loved blues + whites together. When I was taking down Christmas decorations yesterday I was thinking of how much I love all of my blue and white pieces and how the first Shop Pink Clutch sale of the year needed to be all blue and white. It just seems a perfect gateway, don't you think?


2021 Goals

A brand new year and I have some serious thoughts running around in my head about what I want to accomplish and what I am giving up ... not really resolutions, but rather goals. In 2019 I worked really hard on abolishing expectations in my life and I have done really well managing that for the most part.  Last year I worked on faith and using my inner strength.  This year I have a list of things I want to accomplish both personally, professionally, and for our family.  Honestly, I am thrilled to start a new year with a whole new mindset


Six Things I Got + Loved Vol. 6

This post is always one of your favorites and I am thrilled to continue this series into the new year.  I don't buy a lot of things, but what I do I put a lot of time and thought into and when I share it you can be sure it was a keeper in high rotation.  I have tried to edit my closet and life over the last year to keep only what I wear and force myself to do so.  I have had the same style for so many years so it is easy to know what I love and wear, and hopefully, what looks the best on me.  I tend to gravitate to classic style and, as always, still have the prep in me.  It just is what it is. 

I have found a few things the past few months that I really love and have found that I have purchased them each more than once. When that happens it is time to share with all of you.  Two of them I am new to wearing and loving and the other four are classics in my life.  Two of these photos today are straight from my Iphone, they aren't the best but clearly you can see I wear my stuff as I say I do. 😉


The Southern C ... Virtually

If you have followed me for any length of time you know I live for The Southern C summit each year.  I plan for it, I get super organized about how I spend my time there, I beg one of my two best besties to go with me (a dream would be both at the same time) and I go and soak up the time and energy.  It is, hands down, my favorite thing to do for my business each year.  This year since things in our world are so different we can all still attend, just in a different way. 


Starting The Year ... With Lilly Pulitzer

Oh hey friends ... its one of my favorite days of the year, the Lilly Pulitzer After Party Sale.  I have loved Lilly way longer than I have owned it and every single piece I purchase brings me joy.  There is something about the patterns and the colors that just make me feel like a newlywed wearing Lilly on her honeymoon.  I have so many pieces that will instantly date me and I could not love it more.  Today the sale goes live at 8 am ... and runs today and tomorrow, so shopping will be easy to do.  I am adding in my favorites below, there are some great items and really great prices to take advantage of.  What a perfect way to come back from a holiday ... with Lilly! 

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